Shipping Policy

Shipping Policy: 

We currently only ship out UPS. 

Within the Shipping restrictions of UPS ammunitions can only be shipped UPS Ground.

UPS accepts for transportation such ammunition as constitutes "cartridges, small arms," as defined in 49 C.F.R. § 173.59. All other allowable ammunition shipments are accepted only on a contractual basis, and must be prepared under the rules for a fully regulated hazardous material. 

Ammunition cannot be shipped where it exceeds 12.7 mm (50 caliber or 0.5 inch) for rifles or handguns or 8 gauge for shotguns. The package may not exceed 66 lb. (30 kg).

 The shipper must comply with and must ensure that each shipment containing ammunition complies with all federal, state and local laws applicable to the shipper, recipient, and package, including, without limitation, age restrictions.

In order to meet the exception for "Limited Quantities" shipments or ORM-D materials, which are not subject to the shipping paper requirements of subpart C of part 172 of 49 CFR, ammunition can only be shipped via UPS Ground, and only within the 48 contiguous United States, or via UPS Ground Intra-Oahu and Intra-Alaska. Shipments of ammunition with other UPS services must be prepared as a fully regulated hazardous material and are available only on a contractual basis.

Ammunition is not accepted for shipment internationally.